Saturday, January 7, 2012

i said yes.

Good song by Mumford & Sons.

So... I'm engaged!!!!!! I got engaged on December 28th, and it was the most amazing and beautiful proposal ever!!! It was like a fairy tale.

First, Cory took me to this gorgeous restaurant, Modern Steak. The food was absolutely delicious and the design was exquisite! One day I want to design a restaurant like this :) I got this picture off the internet, so when we were there the lights were low and it was very romantic and we got our own enclosed booth that was very intimate, it was perfect. 

Following after dinner, he told me we were just going home. (But I didn't believe him) Until we seemed to actually be going home, so then I thought the big moment was going to be at his house or something. But then he pulled into a little parking lot by his house and told me we had to wait until his "little elves" we finishing some things up, so we couldn't go home yet. Then he asked me to walk around outside with him for a bit. We began walking on a path in the Riparian Preserve in Gilbert next to the beautiful pond. The moon was reflecting off of it perfectly. As we walked up a little hill and turned the corner I saw a tree that was a lit up with delicately designed mason jars and lanterns. There was a pathway that lead up the the trunk of the tree...... Cory decorated each mason jar by hand with lace, doily's and frost, my favorite!

As we walked up to the tree, he said "I think there is something over there for you, go look", so I walked over to the table in the tree and found this BEAUTIFUL ring that Cory picked out. But usually the guy has the ring in his pocket or something and the girl doesn't pick it up or anything. So I got a little confused and I asked if I was supposed to pick it up, he said yes, and then I said "aren't you supposed to put this on my finger??" As I said that turning around he was on one knee and proposed. It was so cute! Then out of nowhere a photographer that he hired popped out the bushes and said "hi Laura!" It was so funny because Cory had no idea that I actually knew Amy (the photographer) She is absolutely amazing! Check out her website

It was seriously just like a fairy tale. I just love his guts!

 I love him <3

 Happiest night of my life!

Us walking up to the tree

Afterwards we carved our names into the tree. Too bad the photographer left after we did this, we could have gotten some good shots. :)

My Ring.

I couldn't help but post almost every picture she took of the engagement, because I love them all. Cory has what I love to a T! He picked out the ring and came up with the whole engagement by himself! My ring even has a beautiful fancy yellow diamond in the center and I LOVE yellow diamonds!!

I love you Cory. Can't wait to start a new chapter in life with you :)

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Day.

More Christmas festivities!!! 
Cory's baking face :)

our gingie bread men.

Wes and Cory on Christmas morning!

Rockin' around the Christmas tree!!!

Christmas with the Rush's :)

Abbey snuggled up to her stocking.

One of my favorite gifts! A graphic design tablet!!!! Cory also got my a plane ticket to Utah to visit my friends and many other goodies :)

Cory's new batman apron! "I'm batman. How did you find me?"

We wish you a Merry Christmas!!!! And a Happy New Year!!